Utilize Your Expertise: Be a Physician Peer Reviewer at NMR

It's easy to start thinking face-to-face interaction is the only way to help patients. This was proven false when the pandemic necessitated remote appointments, but in reality, medical professionals can also help patients while having zero interaction with them. Even better, they can better control their careers while doing so.

This is the world of physician peer review.

At Network Medical Review (NMR), we offer peer review solutions for insurers, government agencies, employer organizations, and more. We're currently looking for physician reviewers to join us in this work. By doing so, you'll benefit the overall medical community. Still, the personal benefits you'll enjoy may stand out the most.

What Does Physician Peer Review Involve?

The fact that patients often seek second opinions is evidence that there are sometimes disagreements in healthcare. In fact, more than one-in-five patients who seek out a second opinion receive a completely different diagnosis. Independent review organizations often have the final say when there are disagreements involving doctors, patients and payors.

You'll serve as an unbiased resource by reviewing medical files related to these disagreements. Consider that an insurer doesn't think a treatment is appropriate, or a patient may believe their doctor isn't offering the treatment they need. You'll review such cases — including the physician's initial treatment plan — to ensure it follows current best practices.

After that, you'll merely provide a recommendation. That's it.

How Can Becoming a Reviewer Help You?

Did you know that about one-quarter of physicians work between 60 and 80 hours a week? Even among those who don't work this much, the overwhelming majority put in more than 40 hours weekly. While conducting physician peer reviews will certainly help you improve the healthcare system as a whole, doing so can also give you a bit of your life back.

Our physician reviewers are able to choose their own schedules. When you're part of our network, you select the hours you wish to conduct reviews. Many practitioners working with NMR can also scale back the direct patient care they provide. This freedom can prove invaluable for avoiding overwork and burnout.

Furthermore, one of the chief benefits of working as a physician peer reviewer is the ability to work remotely. Medical professionals are increasingly seeking such work, and since our review platform can be accessed online, every physician who works with us can do so wherever they feel comfortable.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. Let NMR show you the many benefits of taking control of your career.

Join Our Physician Reviewer Network at NMR Today

The benefits of providing physician review services are many. While NMR goes above and beyond for our reviewers, there are also minimum qualifications each of them must meet. This precludes us from working with those who no longer practice.

You'll need:

  • To be board certified
  • To have an active medical license
  • 5+ years of clinical experience

While some physician peer review organizations focus on specific specialties, we're looking for professionals from all backgrounds. We serve various clients. That's why we want to hear from you if you meet our minimum qualifications and want more control over your career.

Please complete the form on our Reviewer Network page today to start. It's time to own your future.